Weight Loss, Healthy Weight Loss Programs - Gold Coast - Health services, beauty services, Gold Coast - 725600


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Weight Loss, Healthy Weight Loss Programs - Health services, beauty services

Ref. number: 725600 Updated: 19-03-2017 16:17

Offering: Health services, beauty services in Australia, Gold Coast

Diet Magic today with our easy to use and great tasting shakes and fat blocking Tablets!!! Achieve your New Years promises with support from your very own personal telephone coach, This service comes for free with our program... Prices start from around $2 per meal and include our FREE COACHING SERVICE. Replace 2 meals a day to lose weight the fastest. With our program you will not be hungry at all and what's even better, is that you get all your daily requirements of nutrition. This is why our program is proven to be the No.1 selling weight loss program in the world. Call me today on: 02 8678 9109 or go to: www.gst.greatshapetoday.com.au/3ad I would love the opportunity to help you change your nutritional habits, look fantastic and feel the healthiest you have ever felt in your life. Our program works every time!!! In fact I feel so confident you will get the results... that, if you use the products as recommended and don't start seeing results in the first 10 days, then I will personally give you a full refund.... Gerry lost 4.5 kilos and 21cms in first 10 days. Fiona lost 3 kilos and 12cms in first 10days. Jenny lost 12cms of the hips & waist and 1.2 kilos in just 10days. Why not you too? Lets get you starting to look and feel your best today. www.gst.greatshapetoday.com.au/3adg

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Contact information
First name: Georgina
Last name: Stevens
Phone number: 02 9901 7130
Mobile number: 0434 812 070
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