Gold Coast Day Spa - Soakbathhouse - Gold Coast - Other services, Gold Coast - 2919253


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Gold Coast Day Spa - Soakbathhouse - Other services

Ref. number: 2919253 Updated: 19-10-2020 07:10

Offering: Other services in Australia, Gold Coast

Having spent years in the fitness industry, we began to notice people embracing a more holistic approach to wellness. The shift resonated with us. We too were struggling to stay healthy while juggling the pressures of work and family, and our bodies were suffering without proper rest and recovery. We loved health and wellness retreats, but couldn’t afford the time or money to use them regularly. We were seeking a new kind of wellness experience. For more info.:-

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Contact information
First name: Soak
Last name: Bathhouse
Phone number: 0417 331 788
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