Online Trainings - Gold Coast - Education, training, lessons, Gold Coast - 255715


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Ref. number: 255715 Updated: 28-06-2010 11:00

Offering: Education, training, lessons in Australia, Gold Coast

Trainers Having more than 5 years in industry and training . it will be dealt with real time concepts . Giving online training for below modules . interested persons can attend a free demo at their convenient timings. we will provide server access , materials and faqs . interested candidates can contact for this following number 91 9019322543 and they can reach to mail id feel free to ask any questions at any time. ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming ) ABAP-HR(Technical Module for HR) FI (Finance) CO (Controlling) SD (Sales and Distribution) MM (Materials Management) WM (Wear House Management) PP (Product Planning) PM (Plant Maintenance) QM (Quality Management) PS (Project Systems) HR (Human Resource) BPC (Business Process Consolidation) is-retail (internet sales retail) is-Oil (internet sales Oil)

Contact information
First name: purushotham
Mobile number: 9019322543
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